Saturday 2 February 2019

Auto suggest in ADF for list of values

Thursday 31 January 2019

How to solve slowness issues in J Developer

Is your JDeveloper 12c too slow, follow these 3 basic steps and increase perfomance of JDeveloper 12c (

Step 1: Configure JVM settings in jdev.conf
Path: $MV_HOME$/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.conf
# optimize the JVM for strings / text editing

AddVMOption -XX:+UseStringCache

AddVMOption -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat

AddVMOption -XX:+UseCompressedStrings

# if on a 64-bit system, but using less than 32 GB RAM, this reduces object pointer memory size

AddVMOption -XX:+UseCompressedOops

# use an aggressive garbage collector (constant small collections)

AddVMOption -XX:+AggressiveOpts

# for multi-core machines, use multiple threads to create objects and reduce pause times

AddVMOption -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

AddVMOption -DVFS_ENABLE=true

AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false

AddVMOption -XX:+UseParNewGC

AddVMOption -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode

AddVMOption -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing

AddVMOption -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=0

AddVMOption -XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle=10
Step 2: Configure Jdeveloper memory settings in ide.conf
Path: $MV_HOME$/jdeveloper/ide/bin/ide.conf
# Set the default memory options for the Java VM which apply to both 32 and 64-bit VM's.

# These values can be overridden in the user .conf file, see the comment at the top of this file.

AddVMOption -Xms2048M

AddVMOption -Xmx4096M
remove settings from users file.
Step 3: Go to tools preferences, code editor and save action  Disable "Build After Save"

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Dear All,
              I have successfully passed Oracle ADF 12c Certification examination. It was a very knowledgeable experience of giving 12c certification examination. 12c test was  very well organized as compared to 11g.
You can pass it only if you have development experience with theoretical knowledge. If you need further assistance feel free to contact with me. Kindly don't go for dumps they will surely leads towards failure.

Saturday 14 March 2015

ADF Certification

Dear All,
            I have completed my Oracle ADF Certification. Now I am Oracle ADF 11g Certified Implementation Specialist.I have never used any dump for exam preparation only focused on key concepts of ADF. Currently I am giving ADF trainings in Faisalabad and Lahore Pakistan anyone wants to get certified can contact me any time.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Online Training of Oracle ADF

we are offering online training of Oracle ADF. Training will cover all topics from basic level to advance level you will learn ADF and JDeveloper from industry experts who are  specialized in this field  and have developed ERP systems using cutting edge technologies like ADF,Webcenter and SOA.

Oracle ADF Training Course Contents

Topic 1: Introduction to Fusion and ADF Objectives
1. Describe Fusion
2. Explain how ADF fits into the Fusion architecture.
3. Describe the ADF technology stack (MVC).
4. Identify sources of additional information about ADF and ADF Business Components.

Topic 2: Getting Started with JDeveloper Objectives
1. Describe benefits that JDeveloper provides for application development.
2. Utilize common IDE mechanisms when developing and testing components.
3. Set IDE preferences based on user requirements.
4. Initiate the creation of empty applications, projects, and connections in Jdeveloper.

Topic 3: Building a Data Model with ADF Business Components Objectives
1. Describe the role of ADF Business Components in building a business service.
2. Explain the architecture of ADF BC.
3. Identify the types of components that cooperate to provide the business service implementation.
4. Explain how ADF BC components are used in a Web Application.

Topic 4: Querying and Persisting Data Objectives
1. Describe the characteristics of an ADF BC view object.
2. Create a view object that can be used for performing a query in a Web application
3. Explain how entity objects relate to database tables.
4. Describe the persistence mechanism of entity objects.

Topic 5: Exposing Data to Clients Objectives
1. Explain the role of application modules.
2. Describe the characteristics of application modules.
3. Explain how application modules can manage business components transactions.
4. Explain how application modules can manage application state.
5. Explain the role of the ADF Model.
Topic 6: Declaratively Customizing Data Services Objectives
1. Declaratively change data behaviour.
2. Declaratively modify the default behavior of view objects, entity objects, and application modules.

Topic 7: Programmatically Customizing Data Services Objectives
1. Generate Java classes for business components to modify default behavior programmatically.
2. Override class methods to change or augment default behavior.
3. Modify the WHERE clause of a view object at run time.
4. Explain the benefits of adding service methods at the application module level (rather than at the view level).
5. Create a test client for testing your custom code.
6. Modify a view object's client code to add a new employee to the employees view object.

Topic 8: Validating User Input Objectives
1. Describe the types of validation available for ADF applications.
2. Evaluate which validation options are appropriate for different validations.
3. Add declarative validation for an entity object.
4. Identify the other non-declarative validation options and when they might be used.
5. Describe the benefits of using domains for validation.

Topic 9: Understanding UI Technologies Objectives
1. Describe the use of Web browsers and HTML.
2. Explain how Java has come into widespread use as a language for developing Web applications.
3. Describe the function of Servlets and JSPs.
4. Define JavaServer Faces.
5. Explain the JSF component architecture.
6. Expalin some JSF component types included in the standard implementation.
7. Describe the purpose of backing beans.
8. Describe the JSF life cycle.
9. Explain how ADF Faces augments the JSF life cycle.

Topic 10: Binding UI Components to Data Objectives
1. Create an empty JSF page.
2. Use three different ways to add ADF Faces UI components to a page.
3. Describe the types of data-bound components that can be added to a JSF page.
4. Describe the structure of an EL (Expression Language) expression.

Topic 11: Planning the User Interface Objectives
1. Describe the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
2. Differentiate between bounded and unbounded task flows.
3. Create task flows to define control flow in an application.
4. Specify control flow rules.
5. Define global navigation.
6. Use routers to declaratively route control flow to activities based on an EL expression.
7. Define the role of managed beans in task flows.
8. Explain the types of validation available in the user interface.

Topic 12: Adding Functionality to Pages Objectives
1. Internationalize the user interface so that the application can be used in multiple locales.
2. Use component facets to specify subordinate elements such as toolbars, headers and footers.
3. Implement a list of values (LOV) to enable users to select a value from a list.
4. Add a calendar component to an input date field to make it easy for users to select a date.
5. Use the table component to display structured data as a formatted table.
6. Employ the tree component to display hierarchical data.
7. Add icons and images to an application with ADF Faces output components.
8. Create Search forms using the ADF query component.
9. Use ADF Data Visualization components.

Topic 13: Implementing Navigation on Pages
1. Using ADF Faces navigation components
2. Using buttons and links
3. Using menus for navigation
4. Using breadcrumbs
5. Using a train component

Topic 14: Achieving the Required Layout
1. Using complex layout components
2. Explaining how to use ADF Faces skins
3. Using dynamic page layout

Topic 15: Ensuring Reusability
1. Designing for reuse
2. Using task flow templates
3. Creating and using page templates
4. Creating and using declarative components
5. Creating and using page fragments
6. Deciding which type of reusable component to use
7. Passing Values Between UI Elements

Topic 16: Defining the data model to reduce the need to pass values
1. Using a managed bean to hold values
2. Using page parameters
3. Using task flow parameters
4. Passing values from containing pages to regions

Topic 17: Responding to Application Events
1. Using managed beans
2. Coordinating JSF and ADF lifecycles
3. Using phase and event listeners
4. Using action listeners and methods
5. Understanding additional AJAX events

Topic 18: Implementing Transactional Capabilities
1. Handling transactions with ADF BC
2. Using task flows to control transactions
3. Sharing data controls
4. Handling transaction exceptions
5. Defining response to the Back button
6. Implementing Security in ADF BC Applications
7. Exploring ADF Application security options
8. Understanding ADF security framework
9. Enabling users to access resources
10. Implementing a Login page
11. Understanding ADF controller authorization
12. Using Expression Language to extend security capabilities

Topic 19: Explore the Project Structure and Core File Architecture
1. Defining File Structure of a Project
2. Examining Metadata Structure
3. Understand about Page Definition Files
4. Defining ADF Data Control and Data Binding Files
5. Exploring Connections
6. Exploring ADF Faces and Web Configuration files

Topic 20: Extend the ADF Business Components Framework
1. Examining general considerations when using ADF Business Components
2. Understanding Framework Classes and Framework Hierarchy
3. About PL/SQL in Business Components
4. DML and Database Views
5. DB Constraints, Compositions and Associations
6. Transactions with Compositions and Associations
7. Trigger assigned PK
8. Many-to Many relationships and Auditing

Topic 21: Use ADF Business Components for Validation, Calculations and List of Values
1. LOV View Objects
2. List Data Source
3. View Accessors
4. Transient Attribute
5. FK, Compare and Script Validations
6. Groovy code
7. View Criterias
8. Registering Business Rules

Topic 22: Use Inheritance in the Business Domain Layer
1. Implementing Inheritance
2. Domain Layer
3. Discriminators
4. Supertype/Subtype
5. Understanding Polymorphic Entity Usage
6. Creating Polymorphic View Rows
7. About Dynamic Rendering

Topic 23: Implement Data Binding Concepts
1. JSR-227 Data Controls and Bindings
2. Understanding ADF Model
3. Method, Accessor and Variable Iterators
4. Value and Action Bindings
5. DataBindings.cpx file
6. Synchronization
7. Data Control
8. Named Bind Variables

Topic 24: Practical Data Binding in Action
1. JSF & Data Model
2. ADFm Life Cycle
3. Custom Controllers
4. Customizing ADF Page Lifecycle
5. Custom Listeners
6. Conditional Values
7. Google-Style Query

Topic 25: Work with Managed Beans and JavaServer Faces
1. Expression Language
2. Understanding JSF Architecture and Life Cycle
3. About Component Model and Navigation Model
4. Managed Properties
5. JSF Value Binding
6. Backing Beans
7. Context Objects

Topic 26: ADF Faces Advanced Features
1. JSR-127 JSF Components
2. AJAX & Partial Page Rendering
3. PRP Attributes: partialSubmit, autoSubmit, partialTriggers
4. Runtime Layout
5. Page-Level Actions
6. Printable pages
7. Boolean Checkbox
8. Graphs and Charts

Topic 27: Introduction of Weblogic Server and Server Domains
1. Domain creation
2. Application server installation
3. Creating managed servers
4. Creating data source
5. Creating authenticators to implement security and login capabilities
6. deployment of EAR file

Training Duration
A. days (40 hours)
a. 3 hours a day

Saturday 8 February 2014

call a class method by clicking on submit button in adf

Completely follow these steps 

1: create a class named button class 
2:create a method named buttonAction in the button class
3: register button class as managed bean in adfc_config.xml file.
4:  go to jsf/jsp page click on the button button properties will be shown in property inspector
5:  go to property inspector and find action field click on the right side menu of action a popup will came
6: click on edit option another popup will be appeared select button class bean from managed bean lov
7: then select method from method lov
8: click ok
9: now go to button action function and print some thing
10: run page click on the button and see output from web logic console or j developer output console.

Monday 30 December 2013

Show exact length of Secret data or Password in JSF Page in ADF

I have seen many posts about finding the solution of displaying exact length of password data in jsf page.
many people try to use af:inputText with secret=true; but fail and think that this is a bug from oracle.
I don't think this is bug this could be policy to increase security of data.

But If  there is a requirement from client to show exact length of secret data what to do know.
I have prepared a simple solution for this.

  • create a view object or bean with property named password and type String.
  • add this view object in data control.
  • create a jsf page.
  • add html component input secret like <h:inputSecret id="is1" value="" redisplay="true" immediate="true"/>
  • bind value of input secret with view object property by going into page bindings or create a bean and bind with this bean like <h:inputSecret id="is1" value="#{bean.password}" redisplay="true" immediate="true"/>
  • redisplay property should be set to true.
  • deploy and test